Cosmetic Facial Services
Cosmetic procedures to help you look your best
Non-surgical injections to smooth fine lines and wrinkles
We administer simple non-surgical injections that temporarily smoothes facial wrinkle lines. For many years, patients have positive reviews on both how well the process works and the results it yields. This combination of pleasant experience and proven results has made these the most common cosmetic procedure in the United States.
Light-based treatment for dermatological conditions
The safe and gentle light-based treatment treats a variety of dermatological conditions for men and women. The Optima IPL treatments include:
- Rosacea
- Skin Revitalization
- Unwanted Vessels
- Acne
- Permanent Hair Reduction
- Pigmented Lesions
- Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Before and After
Dr. Straka is board certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology and has completed a rigorous two year fellowship in oculofacial plastic surgery by the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. He specializes in the comprehensive evaluation of medical and cosmetic concerns affecting the entire face and structures around the eyes. We offer a full service of non-invasive, minimally invasive, and surgical solutions for facial and peri-orbital rejuvenation. As with all patients, the utmost care is taken to provide patients with an individual treatment plan in order to achieve a natural result.
Non-Invasive Services:
Autologous Fat Transfer
Dr. Straka also provides the option of autologous fat transfer for facial volumization and rejuvenation. Using liposuction, fat can be harvested from other parts of the body, usually the flank or abdomen, and transferred to the face to provide a natural, youthful appearance. This is usually performed in the operating room and can be combined with other surgical procedures.
KYBELLA® (deoxycholic acid) is the first FDA-approved treatment for fullness in the submental neck fat or “double chin”. Despite diet changes and exercise many people have trouble getting rid of fullness in this area. For those not interested in liposuction, KYBELLA® may be an excellent option. It is given as a series of injections spaced anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks apart. Some patients will be happy with just one treatment; others will require multiple treatments to reach their goal.
Chemical Peels
Chemical peels help treat skin irregularities, wrinkling and discoloration. There are different levels of treatment for different problems. Some treatments have a very brief recovery process and may be given as “lunch time peels.” Other peels, with more dramatic results, may require a several day recovery process. Sometimes a series of light peels is recommended and peels maybe combined in the same treatment with Microdermabrasion.
Microdermabrasion is a gentle technique for removal of superficial skin irregularities, fine wrinkling and pigmentary discoloration. A strong vacuum and particles or a diamond tip device are used to remove the superficial epidermis. Although one treatment will result in noticeable changes in skin texture, multiple treatments are necessary for the best results. After a treatment, some redness and crusting are common, but usually not enough to require time off for recovery. Microdermabrasion is a nice way to “jump start” a topical skin care program to get better penetration. Microdermabrasion is also used prior to some chemical peels to get deeper penetration of the chemical peels.
Microneedling is a unique procedure to help improve the appearance of fine lines and skin discoloration. A highly specialized device efficiently delivers small needles into the skin at specific depth chosen by the physician. These small micro-inuries stimulate the growth of collagen, elastin, and other important component of healthy skin to give more youthful and healthy skin. The procedure is painless when performed with topical anesthesia cream and patients can typically expect to have 1 to 2 days of mild redness after the treatment. Platelet rich plasma (PRP) can be added to the procedure to improve the results. Micorneedling can also be used effectively to treat acne scars and post-surgical scars.
BroadBand Light™
BBL Laser: The powerful BroadBand Light™ (BBL) system is used for skin rejuvenation and elimination of a number of vascular and pigmentary conditions including rosacea and age spots. Using a Sciton Joule laser, the appropriate wavelength and treatment settings will be selected to achieve optimal results. The light energy pulses delivered by the BBL gently heats up the top layers of the skin. The heat absorbed by the targeted areas coagulates tissue. This process helps restore your skin to a more youthful state and eliminate unwanted brown and red spots. BBL can also be used for permanent hair reduction by simply changing the wavelength filter and laser settings.
- Eyelashes
- Hair Removal
Cosmetic Surgery Procedures:
Eyelid Surgery
The eyes are often the first thing people notice about your face and are an important aspect of facial appearance. As we mature, upper and/or lower eyelids may become “droopy” or “baggy” because the eyelid skin stretches, muscles and tendons weaken, bone remodels, and fat pockets bulge and become more prominent. Your eyebrows also may sag or droop as part of this same process, and this adds to the excessive tissue in the upper eyelid. Aesthetically, such conditions may detract from the overall attractiveness of one’s eyes and cause a “tired” or older appearance. When severe, these conditions also may cause functional problems, such as impaired field of vision (baggy upper eyelids) or difficulty wearing glasses (baggy lower eyelids). The eyelid problems are treated with a procedure called blepharoplasty.
Brow Lift
The position of the forehead and eyebrows plays an important role in the perception of one’s mood. A droop in the brows can imply tiredness or anger. The gradual downward repositioning of the brows from gravity and aging can lead to heaviness of the upper lids as the brow tissue drops into the eyelids. Repositioning of the eyebrows and forehead may diminish the wrinkles, improve the expression of mood, and open the heaviness of the upper eyelids. Forehead repositioning can be accomplished by many surgical techniques. The most appropriate technique will depend on a patient’s goals and a discussion with your surgeon during and after the exam. The most common technique performed by our surgeons is an endoscopic brow lift. This is an outpatient local anesthetic procedure with hidden incisions. Small incisions are made in the scalp and endoscopic technology is used to access the forehead and eyebrows. The squinting muscles are weakened to decrease the lines between the eyebrows. The eyebrows are lifted and contoured. Strenuous physical activity is limited for 10 days and bruising and swelling diminishes over one to three weeks.
Face Lift
As people age, the effects of gravity, exposure to the sun, loss of elasticity of the skin, cigarette smoking and the stresses of daily life can be seen in their faces. Creases form between the nose and mouth; the jaw line develops jowls, folds and fat deposits appear around the neck, and the cheek fat descends down toward the mouth. There are numerous cosmetic procedures designed to alter these changes, and sometimes the terminology is confusing. “Facelift” is the terminology used to describe a number of different techniques that are all designed to improve facial aging changes. A facelift can’t stop the aging process. What it can do is “set back the clock,” improving the most visible signs of aging by removing excess fat, tightening underlying muscles, and redraping the skin of the face and neck. A facelift can be done alone or in conjunction with other procedures such as forehead lift, eyelid surgery, or neck lift.
Neck Liposuction
Liposuction is a procedure that can help sculpt the body by removing unwanted fat from specific areas, including the neck underneath the skin. Although no type of liposuction is a substitute for dieting and exercise, liposuction can remove stubborn areas of fat that don’t respond to traditional weight-loss measures. Neck liposuction will diminish the pouch of fleshy tissue just behind and beneath the chin. If one has large amounts of extra skin, then liposuction alone will not be enough to improve the redundant skin and surgical neck or face-lifting techniques are combined with neck liposuction.
Facial Implants
Plastic surgeons use facial implants to improve and enhance facial contours. Frequently, these implants will help provide a more harmonious balance to your face and features so that you feel better about the way you look. There are many implants available, manufactured from a variety of materials. They come in many different sizes and may be trimmed to suit the individual patient. They may help strengthen a jaw line or bring the chin or cheekbones into balance with the rest of the face. Cheek implants help to define the prominence beneath the eyes and to support the lower eyelid. Cheek implants, or tear trough implants, can improve the smoothness of the junction between the lower eyelid and the cheek. When the natural cheek fat descends, the cheek implants may be use separately or together with a mid-face lift to recontour the cheek.
Chin surgery, also known as mentoplasty, is a surgical procedure to reshape the chin either by enhancement with an implant or reduction surgery on the bone. Chin surgery helps provide a harmonious balance to your facial features so that you feel better about the way you look.
Laser Surgery
Laser Resurfacing: Aging changes in the skin take many forms including dyschromatopsias (color changes, brown and red spots), loss of elasticity and volume, wrinkle formation, and texture irregularities. Many of the changes are the result of prior sun damage, but smoking also plays an important role. Improving one’s skin texture and tone is a vital component of comprehensive facial rejuvenation. Laser resurfacing procedures are performed using the Sciton Joule Erbium:Yag laser, one of the most technologically advance resurfacing systems on the market. Our physicians have the ability to tailor the treatment to achieve the results you desire and reduce unwanted wrinkles on the face including around the eyes and mouth. In addition, the laser can be used to diminish melasma. Laser resurfacing can be performed in the office under local anesthesia or at the same time as other surgeries.